Contact with me:
tel. +45 50 15 41 76
Company's data:
Marta Jacyna Rengøring
Tvedåsvej 10, 3320 Skævinge
CVR-nr: 40846034
Contact me if you are interested in any kind of service provided by me. I provide them in a comprehensive way, helping to maintain order in the rooms and places indicated by you. I focus on working in the town of Store Lyngby, Skævinge, and places away from it, max 30 km.
You can always see me on social media, start following and contact me.
You can always write to me and I will do my best to solve your problem.
You can always call me and I will do my best to solve your problem.
Choose the type of communication that is convenient for you and contact me. And I will do my best to help you.
I am available every weekday from 7:30 to 16:30
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5/5 - na podstawie 11 ocen
5/5 - na podstawie 7ocen
5/5 - na podstawie 15 ocen
5/5 - based on 4 ratings
If you have filled out the contact form and for any reason you do not receive a reply, please write an e-mail to
PS. Check the e-mail that you enter into the contact form - if it is incorrect, unfortunately I will not be able to answer your message.
tel. +45 50 15 41 76
Marta Jacyna Rengøring
Tvedåsvej 10, Store Lyngby,
3320 Skævinge
CVR-nr: 40846034
I provide comprehensive cleaning services for apartments, houses, businesses and clinics. Cleaning, decluttering and space organization in Store Lyngby, Skævinge- Denmark.